Waszkiel Halina

The Puppet Theatre in Poland

Background, problems and innovations of the study. The modern Puppet Theater in Poland is a phenomenon that is very difficult for definition and it opposes its own identification itself. Problems here start at the stage of fundamental definitions already. In English, the case is simpler: “doll” means a doll, a toy, and “puppet” is a theatrical puppet, as well as in French functions “poupée” and “marionette” respectively. In Polish, one word serves both semantic concepts, and it is the reason that most identify the theater of puppets with theater for children, that is a big mistake. Wanting to get out of this hassle, some theaters have thrown out their puppet signage by skipping their own names. Changes in names were intended only to convey information to viewers that in these theaters do not always operate with puppets and not always for the children’s audience. In view of the use of the word “animation” in Polish, that is, “vitalization”, and also the “animator”, that is, “actor who is animating the puppet”, the term “animant” is suggested, which logically, in our opinion, is used unlike from the word “puppet”. Every subject that is animated by animator can be called an animant, starting with classical puppets (glove puppets, cane puppets, excretory puppets, silhouette puppets, tantamarees, etc.) to various plastic shapes (animals, images of fantastic creatures or unrelated to any known), any finished products (such as chairs, umbrellas, cups), as well as immaterial, which are animated in the course of action directed by the actor, either visible to viewers or hidden. In short, the animator animates the animant. If the phenomenon of vitalization does not come, that is, the act of giving “the animant” the illusion of life does not occur, then objects on the stage remain only the requisite or elements of scenography. Synopsis of the main material of the study. In the past, puppet performances, whether fair or vernacular, were seen by everyone who wanted, regardless of age. At the turn of the XIX–XX centuries, the puppet theater got divided into two separate areas – theater for adults and the one for children. After the war, the professional puppet theater for adults became a branch of the puppet theater for children. In general, little has changed so far. The only puppet theater that plays exclusively for adults is “Theater – the Impossible Union”, under the direction of Mark Khodachinsky. In the Polish puppet theater the literary model still dominates, that is, the principle of starting to work on the performance from the choice of drama. There is no such literary work, old or modern, which could not be adapted for the puppet theater. The only important thing is how and why to do it, what significance carries the use of animants, and also, whether the applying of animation does the audience mislead, as it happens when under the name of the puppet theater at the festival shows performances that have nothing in common with puppets / animations. What special the puppet theater has to offer the adult audience? The possibilities are enormous, and in the historical perspective may be many significant achievements, but this does not mean that the masterpieces are born on the stones. The daily offer of theaters varies, and in reality the puppet theaters repertoire for adults is quite modest. The metaphorical potential of puppets equally well justifies themselves, both in the classics and in modern drama. The animants perfectly show themselves in a poetry theater, fairy-tale, conventional and surrealistic. The puppet theater has an exceptional ability to embody inhuman creatures. These can be figures of deities, angels, devils, spirits, envy, death. At the puppet scenes, also animals act; come alive ordinary household items – chairs, umbrellas, fruits and vegetables, whose animation gives not only an interesting comic effect or grotesque, but also demonstrates another, more empathic view of the whole world around us. In the theater of dolls there is no limit to the imagination of creators, because literally everything can became an animant. You need only puppeteers. The puppet theater in Poland, for both children and adults, has strong organizational foundations. There are about 30 institutional theaters (city or voivodship), as well as an increasing number of “independent theaters”. The POLUNIMA, that is, the Polish branch of the UNIMA International Union of Puppets, operates. The valuable, bilingual (Polish–English) quarterly magazine “Puppet Theater” is being issued. The number of puppet festivals is increasing rapidly, and three of them are devoted to the adult puppet theater: “Puppet is also a human” in Warsaw, “Materia Prima” in Krakow, “Metamorphoses of Puppets” in Bialystok. There is no shortage of good dramas for both adults and children (thanks to the periodical “New Art for Children and Youth” published by the Center for Children’s Arts in Poznan). Conclusions. One of the main problems is the lack of vocational education in the field of the scenography of the puppet theater. The next aspect – creative and now else financial – the puppet show is more difficult, in general more expensive and more time-consuming in preparation than the performance in the drama theater. Actor-puppeteer also gets a task those three times heavier: to play live (as an actor in a drama theater), while playing a puppet and with a puppet. Consequently, the narrative of dramatic story on the stage is triple: the actor in relation to the viewer, the puppet in relation to the viewer, the actor in relation to the puppet. The director also works double – both the actor and the puppet should be led. It is necessary to observe the effect that arises from the actions of both stage partners. So the second threat seems to be absurd, but, alas, it is very real – the escape of puppeteers from puppets. The art of the puppet theater requires hard work, and by its nature, it is more chamber. This art is important for gourmets, poets, admirers of animation skills, as well as the searchers for new artistic ways in the theater, in wide understanding. Fortunately, there are some real fans of the puppet theater, and their admiration for the miracle of animation is contagious.