Liu Yi

Chamber-vocal works of Yin Qin: theme and style of the genre

The article is devoted to chamber-vocal works of famous Chinese composer Yin Qing. He is member of the Presidium Musicians Chinese Association, the head of Committee of China Federation of Arts, the head of Song and Dance Ensemble of the Main Political Administration of China, the winner of many national and international competitions. In his creative heritage presented many genres, among them – an opera, instrumental compositions, music for theater and cinema. The chamber and vocal works of Yin Qing are the most important. For thirty years, the composer has created over thousands of vocal works. The subjects of many songs composer devoted to military life. One of the little-known pages of chamber and vocal Yin Qing’ creativity remains his works written in the last decade. Many of them are disclosed other themes and subjects, using new means of expression. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that it reveals the lesser- known pages creativity of Yin Qing. The attempt is made to generalize the composer’s creative achievements in the field of chamber vocal genre, presenting this area in the development process. The chamber-vocal works of the composer not fully investigated. Range of themes and images, which were accessed by composer, not studied, style parameters of songs are not specified, not examined the evolution of the genre and the interaction of various global influences on his creativity. The purpose of the article is evaluation of the creative contribution of Yin Qing in the chamber and vocal music in the aspect of evolution of his style. Qing Yin first song – “Soldier’s Story”, “Poem of the mother”, “Parade Song”, “Silk Road” and others – were created in the 1980s. Such songs as “Do not ask me why”, “The boundary of the soul”, “Song Sounds”, “Random Woman” and the music for the dramatic play “Beautiful bay” were written in the 1990s in Beijing. Then there are songs on the poetic text, which pronounced the basics of classical Chinese poetry, inherent traditional themes, images, philosophical ideas. Poetic lyrics of contemporary Chinese authors comply with the principle of following the ancient traditions and stories narrated about the pursuit of a better life, unrequited love, memories about the nature of their native land, homesickness and love for their country and others. In the song “Aloe” reveals the warmth of human relationships. The basis of the music is “fixation of sounds”, thanks to which the song is transformed into expressive sketch facing not only to the image of the external world, of nature, but much to the state of mind of the hero. À country that has moved into a “new era” had to Yin Qing significant influence, which has given its such songs as “Sing to the West”, “Time of spring rain”, “The house”, “Homeland, always bless you”, “Cohesion”. Feeling an emotional connection with the Army, Qing Yin goes to the search for new means of expression in the songs “When bombs fall on the head”, “Border of the soul”, which reveals the emotional world of a young soldier and his love story. At the turn of the century there are songs on the western theme “Western love songs”, “West hymn”, “I Sing the West”. The songs “In the new era”, “Narrow road”, “Country”, “God’s workmanship” and others reflect fully the spirit of their time. They are devoted to China, they poeticizes landscapes and glorified life of national minorities. The song “Landscape” is associated with the favorite images of Chinese poetry. In recent years, the composer again keenly aware of the need to create vocal works, that embody the features of Chinese traditional culture. Images of the characters in the songs “Spring”, “Rain”, “Moon” demonstrate the internal connection with Chinese traditional music as a result of formation a national musical style of the composer. The ancient Chinese poetry samples and poems of contemporary Chinese poets were poetic basis of these works. Especially well the composer shows the eternal nature of the images in the song “Moon”, as if he painted impressionistic melody night landscape. The sound of music brings a unique tonal color, almost “drawing by sound”, due to many features: subtlety and clarity of texture in E Flat Minor tonality, elegant rounding phrases in the vocal part. Piano party is particularly dramatic value, acquiring an independent function to create a special timbre and coloristic atmosphere. Conclusions. Yin Qing is a famous Chinese composer who has made an enormous contribution to the creation of the song repertoire, into the development of China’s vocal chamber music. His songs reflect the peculiarities of contemporary artistic style; many of them entered into the vocal repertoire of contemporary artists. The composer is known as the author of works on the theme of the army; his legacy amounts to more than a thousand works in various genres. Watching the career of Yin Qing, you will notice that he had passed several stages in his outlook and musical creativity. From “Soldier stories”, he becomes a citizen of a “new era”, and then “the singer of the West”. Yin Qing has the ability to dispense a small amount of expressive means, while ensuring that artistically convincing sound that can be considered the main result of the first period of the composer’ creativity. If we analyze the Yin Qing’ transition in the “new era”, which proclaims the “sincerity” and “equality” in his works, it will not be even a hint of falseness, artificiality or false grandiloquence – just he speaks the language of “expression of civil emotions”. The amazing thing is that with the change of epochs his songs do not lose their relevance, and they continue to perform, although the social paradigms were already changed.